My Beautiful Mother

Created by Chika 7 years ago
I remember how I got to hear about your death,I was lying down on the couch all covered up and shivering, when my husband came in looking sad, I thought something had gone wrong with him , I decided to go ask him in the room, when he told me to come sit on the bed, then he said," mum has gone to rest" . I didn't have any expression because it didn't sound real. I have always believed mum would overcome this sickness.

Words cannot describe the huge influence my mum had on my life,bringing me into this world. My mum was very strong, energetic woman, an achiever .she never gave up on anything, she trusted in God and she won all her battles. My mum is bold, fearless, resourceful, intelligent and a clean woman, these I admire you for.

Mummy even through all the pain and bitterness you had in life, you forged ahead and you were victorious. I won't forget you so easily. Rest in peace mum. Chika Obi.
